ourHRpeople Newsletter Issue 26

Welcome to Issue 26 of the ourHRpeople Newsletter, now hosted on our website. This month we are covering:

  • Embracing Compassion –the key to successful HR change projects
  • Holiday pay for irregular  and part-year workers –  starts April 2024

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Until next time, 

Embracing Compassion –the key to successful HR change

In the fast-paced world of business,  change is inevitable. Companies are  constantly evolving to stay competitive  and adapt to new market dynamics.  

While change is essential, it can often  be met with resistance, anxiety, and  uncertainty from employees. This is where  compassionate HR change projects can  make a world of difference. In this article,  we will explore why compassion is the  essential ingredient for successful HR  change projects and how it benefits both  employees and organisations. 

Compassion in HR change projects  means recognising and addressing the  emotional and psychological aspects of  change. It’s about understanding that  employees are not just cogs in the machine  but human beings with their unique  concerns and challenges. Compassion  involves empathy, active listening, and a  genuine desire to support employees  through the change process. 

Compassion is not a sign of weakness in  HR change projects; it is a strength that  leads to lasting positive outcomes. By  embracing compassion, organisations can  navigate change more smoothly, retain  their key talent, and foster a culture of trust  and empathy. In today’s dynamic business  environment, compassionate HR change  projects are not just a choice; they are a  necessity for sustainable success. We should  lead with our hearts as we lead our teams  toward a brighter, more adaptive future. 

Benefits of compassionate  HR change projects 

The benefits can have a long-lasting  effect on your businesses brand and include; Reduced resistance: When employees  feel heard and valued, they are more likely  to embrace change rather than resist it.  Compassionate HR change projects create  an atmosphere of trust, making employees  more receptive to new ideas and processes. Enhanced employee well-being: Change  can be stressful. Compassionate HR  initiatives prioritise employee well-being  by providing resources, mental health  support, and open communication channels.  This not only eases the transition but also  boosts overall employee morale. 

Improved productivity: When employees  are confident that their concerns are being  addressed, they can focus on their work  instead of worrying about the changes.  This leads to improved productivity, which  is crucial during times of transition. 

Higher retention rates: Key employees  are much more likely to stay with an  organisation that shows compassion during  times of change. This significantly reduces  turnover and saves recruitment and  training costs. 

Stronger organisational culture:  

Compassionate HR change projects foster  a culture of trust, empathy, and openness.  This culture can have a lasting positive  impact on the organisation, even beyond  the immediate change. 

Strategies for implementing  compassionate HR change  projects 

There are several important aspects to  plan for: 

Effective communication: Transparent  and timely communication is the  cornerstone of compassionate change  management. Keep employees informed  about the reasons for the change, the  process, and how it will affect them. 

Employee feedback: Create channels  for employees to share their concerns and  suggestions. Act on this feedback to show  that their voices matter. 

Training and support: Provide training  and resources to help employees adapt to  the changes. This could include workshops,  mentoring, or access to relevant tools and  information. 

Mental health support: Recognise the  emotional toll that change can take on  employees. Offer access to counselling  services or employee assistance programs  to support their mental well-being. 

Leadership role modelling: Leaders  should exemplify compassion in their  actions and communication. When leaders  show empathy and resilience, it sets a  positive tone for the entire organisation. 

Should you need someone to talk  through your business change plans,  please do make contact.

Holiday pay calculation and entitlement  for workers on variable hours have created  issues for employers, payroll and HR for  some time now. 

The government has published its  response to the consultation on reforms to  retained EU employment law. This also  includes changes to the holiday entitlement  and calculation of holidays for workers  with irregular hours or those who work part  of the year. The changes will simplify holiday  entitlement and calculations for irregular  and part-year workers. It will also bring a  huge relief to employers, payroll and HR  professionals. 

“Rolled-up” holiday pay for workers with  irregular hours and part-year workers will  be allowed under the new legislation.  There will be a new system for calculating  holiday entitlement. 

The term “rolled-up” holiday pay refers  to the practice of making an additional  payment to the employee on top of their  normal rate of pay. The additional payment  is for holiday pay. This is instead of the  employee taking time off for holiday. 

Calculating holiday entitlement for  workers with variable hours:

EU rules on holiday pay will be retained.  The entitlement for workers is 5.6 weeks  of holiday (full time equivalent). Four weeks  out of the 5.6 weeks must be normal pay  and must include overtime and commission.  The remaining 1.6 weeks is based on UK law,  therefore payment can be at basic pay only. 

In a positive move, the government aims  to simplify the calculation of holiday pay for  workers with irregular hours or part-year  employment. The government will enact  legislation to establish an accrual method  for calculating holiday entitlement for  irregular hours and part-year workers in  their first year of employment and beyond.  We expect the legislation to come into  effect from January 2024. Employers will also  be able to calculate entitlement at the rate  of 12.07% of hours worked in a pay period,  rather than monthly providing flexibility.

HR News is produced by Our HR People Ltd

Steve Wright 

T 03302 2020218 

M 07901 556032 

E steve@ourHRpeople.co.uk 

We are here to assist. If you require any further support with this topic, please email or call one of our team. We partner with many businesses to support their business growth, be it through reorganisations, reducing ET risk when faced with common employment issues, executive coaching, leadership development, robust HR policies and procedures, payroll or health and safety, please contact one of our team.

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